Our Dutch vacancies

Although the vacancies are only in Dutch, that doesn’t mean you are not able to apply. When you are enthusiastic about a vacancy and you are sure you’re the perfect match. Don’t hesitate to reach out!

Technical jobs at the office

Sales Engineer Constructietechniek

Sales Engineer Watertechniek

Sales Engineer Klimaattechniek

Sales Engineer Elektrotechniek

Priva Engineer Binnendienst

Business Manager Indoor Farming


Project Engineer Constructietechniek

Project Engineer Klimaattechniek

Sales Consultant Europe

Technical jobs on site


Field Service Engineer

Field Service Engineer (Priva systemen)


Stage R&D – technisch

Stage Werkvoorbereiding

Stage Caculatie

Stage Verkoop

Stage Agronomie



We would love to meet you! Please email your resume to vacature@certhon.com. Would you like more information? Call our colleagues Dennis, Anouk or Ilse at 0174-225080. They will gladly answer all your questions!