Aquathermy: sustainable heat from the ditch Quick summary Aquathermy uses natural heat from surface water, such as in ditches, to heat greenhouses Aquathermy contributes to the reduction of CO2 emissions and the transition to a sustainable energy supply The constant and even heat supply from aquathermy promotes optimal growth of crops in greenhouses Quick summary Aquathermy uses natural heat from surface water, such as in ditches, to heat greenhouses Aquathermy contributes to the reduction of CO2 emissions and the transition to a sustainable energy supply The constant and even heat supply from aquathermy promotes optimal growth of crops in greenhouses Share this article facebook twitter whatsapp linkedin Aquathermie, also known as heat from the ditch, offers horticultural companies an innovative and sustainable solution for obtaining heat. We designed and installed an aquathermy system for grower Koppert Cress. This system heats the greenhouses of Koppert Cress in a highly efficient and sustainable way. In this article, we take a closer look at the operation, advantages, and applications of aquathermy. How does aquathermy work? When applying aquathermy, natural heat from surface water, such as in ditches, is used to heat greenhouses. The water is pumped up at one end of the ditch and fed through a closed system to a heat exchanger. In the heat exchanger, the heat from the water is transferred to a heat-carrying medium. This medium transports the absorbed heat to a heat pump, where the temperature is raised further. The heat pump ensures that the heat reaches a usable level to be stored in Koppert Cress’ WKO system so that it can be used to heat the greenhouses in winter. What are the advantages of Aquathermie? The biggest advantage is sustainability. Using aquathermy contributes to the reduction of CO2 emissions and the transition to a sustainable energy supply. The system does not use fossil fuels but instead makes optimal use of a natural heat source. Cost savings By using a natural heat source, aquathermy also saves significantly on energy costs. This can result in a significant reduction in energy bills for horticultural businesses. Efficient crop growth Aquathermy also has positive effects on the crop. Aquathermy’s constant and even heat supply promote optimal crop growth in greenhouses. The system can be precisely controlled, optimizing temperature and humidity according to the plant’s needs. Less dependence on external energy sources In short; horticultural businesses are less dependent on external energy sources, such as gas and electricity, by using aquathermy. This provides more autonomy and stability in the energy supply. Aquathermie offers horticultural companies with a low-temperature circuit in the greenhouse a sustainable, cost-efficient, and reliable solution for heating greenhouses and supplying hot water. Want to know more about aquathermy and how it can help you? Contact us